Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I shouldn't have fried my dinner...

I should have photographed my dinner from last night, but it disappeared so quickly...ah well. However yummy it was, I'm sure it was filled with preservatives and some not so good goodness. Yummy?! Yes.

What did you eat lady?! Ok. So. I had 3 ground beef samosas (the fried part of dinner) a small bowl of brussels sprouts (my attempt at making my meal healthy) a large glass of agua (those samosas were SPICY!) and a fruit roll up for dessert! Mmmmmm-spicy-mm-spicy-spicy-mmm...

When I think about a young child's taste buds, I am met with thoughts of macaroni and cheese, McDonalds chicken nuggets with fries and a toy, many times a hot dog cut into strange rolo form becoming cold before consumed, and of course candy Candy CANDY!

But maybe that is from the children I knew then and the few I know now.

As we grow older, us children from picky-eater-ville begin to see walls crumble around us leaving our taste buds free to grow and roam about the earth vicariously through food. Score!

Encountering many unpleasant things on the way...a fish that's too fishy, a something that's too slimy, or an anything that tastes like that whatchamacallit that I had a long time ago.

It helps though, growing older, when we are met with folks who encourage us to try new things - be them colleagues, friends, family and sometimes strangers. However, there are still things are on the 'no deal' list for many, so don't even go there.

When did you first begin to broaden your taste horizons? What was that first 'out of palate' experience like?



Regina said...

So true... I almost projectile vomited when you said something too slimy... OMG gotta go.

J. Kelly said...

I love being adventurous and trying new food! I think because I was never really forced to eat anything I didn't like.

And I can picture Regina making her vomit face right now...lol.

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