Saturday, May 8, 2010

Run Fat Boy Run!

Watched (with more to go) many films this weekend - Run Fat Boy Run being one of them - and I pulled out a piece that would go with my blog challenge theme. Exercise and living an active life before and after BB (i.e. getting older, growing up).

Youth gives plenty of time to run and play and enough energy to bring elders to their knees! As I've moved forward in my own journey of healthy body healthy mind, I've recently placed my focus on healthy body (ok...this weekend - NOT included, lol).

As we all reach this pivotal point in life, either we were a part of an active and healthy family that played sports, ran together, or ate a very healthy balanced diet. Or, we were a part of families that had other priorities in play and we have chosen (or not) to include physical activity as we have identified it and made it a part of our lives (or not).

The choice to be healthy, to upgrade to healthy eating choices and a balanced physical regimen is a difficult one. However, how much does that change or continual implementation of having an active lifestyle fit into being healthy and fit?

Being physically fit is not always equivalent to a clean bill of health, although it does give benefit and stamina and serves as preventative medicine; our genes can at times be the boulder rolling down the hill behind us...



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