Friday, May 14, 2010


If any of you out there come from snowy cities then you know what I mean. Before and after life with a winter season that includes snow is something a beach child may never understand.

The beauty of it falling the amazement of the quiet hush that descends on the cities and towns. So much fun had building snowpersons and hashing out snowball wars. Sometimes not so fun, the digging out of cars and houses...

Then, when you least expect it...*singing*"Here comes the sun..."

Living Southier and Sunnier and in a State full of Sol can bring an awakening that you never though was possible because the clouds blinded you from the sun you deserve.

You never know where your life happenings will take you in life and to be unsure of where it will lead is ok. The point is to appreciate the contrast that the weather brings and find a place that you can call home. Home is where your backdrop is so that you can shine on stage. It is you who chooses the lighting the props the main cast and the most Divine navigates the weather. The rest of us are here to enjoy to show. Action!

There was a quote once that fully described how one should live life in terms of environment. Not super sure what the exact words were but it went something like "live in a city but not long enough to become hard, live close to the beach but not long enough to grow too carefree" and maybe something about living in the country? Do you know this quote? Share it with us in the comments if you do!


Sent by me via my BB!


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