Thursday, May 27, 2010


A blessing, a responsibility, a challenge and a reward.

Living life minus the responsibility of a dependent is carefree. Time to devote to self exploration or hours of thoughtless TV watching. Freedom of choice to uproot and relocate and planning for one. Minimal thoughts of what the future holds for another and focus mostly on our own goals.

The life of those with children are not the opposite, but instead, enhanced. Some parents are made by choice, others do the choosing. The time comes in a person's life, in a parents life, where you choose to involve yourself. You can be just as much of an active parent as you can a distant one, even when living in the same home. You choose whether or not to attend the games and performances or to devote your time to your personal work (hobbies, employment, nothing, etc.).

Your choices now become a part of the life of the dependent. The independence is lost but your identity remains. Feed both and you succeed.


p.s. I posted to the wrong blog at first. Oops! That would have been bad.... ::sigh of relief::


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