Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Evening After

In life, there will continue to be firsts.  We will always reminisce about those times because they remind us of the value of that instance and its altering of our world and perspective as we thought we knew it.

I write for me, for you, today acknowledging "the evening after."  The common reference "the morning after" serves its purpose in providing the opening for an awakening to happen after we've had a night's rest.  It is effective because we believe ourselves to have dreamt the occurance and somehow are awaking, wondering if it was a dream at all.

And when we realize indeed it was not a dream, but that happening which may or may not include another person was real, we bask in it and remember that reality does bring a wealth of reflection and knowledge to our lives.

Instead, I'd like to challenge us to think about "the evening after."  The more immediate reflection allows us to clarify and deepen the instance's meaning to our lives, giving us a sense of distilled memory that protects us from likening our deep reality to the distant feeling that the dream state allows us.


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