Sunday, May 9, 2010


Music. A part of my life since I was a wee tot, and influential even now as I often use music to distract, motivate, and heal.

This is becoming a continuation of my thoughts from a previous post...

However, there is a point in life where our tastes change, our preference gravitates more strongly to a particular genre, and our antennae mature and rank quality over hook.

Sesame Street tunes were music to our tiny ears as we sang along with letters, numbers and friendship tunes. That turned into pop, classical, rap, rock, etc. and then as time moved, all that jazz too.

There is something in aging that produces a special appreciation for tastes of an older nation. Perhaps we received these receptors through osmosis as children and are now imitating our parents with an upgrade in taste.

Music changes and motivates us to do better and can even have an affect on us that we may not always see. Has music changed you? How so and what genre?



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