Sunday, May 16, 2010

La Push

Time takes time. And time management is a feat that we all have won and lost throughout our lives. The key is to keep managing it. A wise scholar I had the privilege to learn with shared a traditional saying about time "Time is like a sword. Either you cut with it or it will cut you."

It is when you are least reliant on time that it brings you benefit. You can look past the clock and into projects. You are able to look beyond steps in a process or relationship and instead begin to enjoy each spark of discovery and newness. But, does managing time mean forgetting its existence?


Balance is the key to any manageable anything. If you are able to remain vigilant and use your productivity when it is in its prime then you are gaining on time itself. And although we do not control time, we can make it work for us by managing it properly. Whether that means opting out of an outing, or tapping yourself on the shoulder to rise from your comfy bed; it is the motivation to act that moves us.

Time can be an enemy when we are attempting to slow the process of an inevitable doom, but to release it instead allows time to be your friend.

As time management is a process, a goal, and a challenge -- just know that it keeps ticking and moving along whether you're with it or not.

"Time is not a renewable resource."

Savage Chickens on time:


Regina said...

I agree 100%. One of my favorite sayings is Life goes on and it will leave you behind if you let it, but I don't roll like that.

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