Monday, May 3, 2010

Crank Yankers

Yaaaaaaaay! Power Down.

What if someone pulled the plug?! Gasp!!!!

Technology runs our lives. If we let it. Just think about if someone pulled the plug on the internet and we could no longer use it. Firstly, I'd be like (in the words of my colleague) What the crap?! And I would also realize that we'd all lose the Blog Challenge ::sigh::.

Secondly, I would go back to recording all of my thoughts and ideas on paper, along with my 'to read' lists and 'to watch' lists and any other 'lists' I have.

I do encourage journaling as a way to reflect on your current state of being, location, profession, trial, blessing, successes and failures. That way we can after some years revisit and build a sense of trends and happenings that tell us who we are instead of us shorting a fuse trying to figure it out! And it would also help us in finding tangible ways to curb the negative aspects of ourselves or the areas in which we need work and encourage us to hop to it!

Back to the matter at hand...pulling the plug on something that has inspired more connections, even if impersonal due to its online nature...will it bring us closer to each other and help us in forming our identities or will it keep us further apart because that initial Friend Request is not as easy as pointing and clicking? Check the video and don't try this in real life mmkay? Thanks!

What would you do?



Regina said...

You are so right.... What the crap? Actually, What the freaking crap? Girl, people would die.

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