Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Art of Breaking Glass

Toys are missing from the lives of most adults. Instead we replace the concept with gadgets and gizmos that take us further away from reality and at times, each other.

Take me back to a time where play was meaningful. As children rode bikes and played with Barbies and race cars and toy soldiers in groups on the playground. Or that dizzying ride that spun around and around and we jumped on laid on our backs and watched the clouds and sky swirl into a light blue and white smoothie.

But now we work. We work and we pay bills. Where is our play time? When do we relax and let go and how do we let ourselves do it? When was the last time you raced someone down the sidewalk to see who was faster? How do you unwind while cherishing your childhood as an adult? Or the real question is, do you?

Moving forward we should do things that keep us laughing, keep us smiling, keep us believing in the joy of doing something that may equate to others as nothing, but to a child means a world of creativity. Find that today, even if for only a moment.



Regina said...

This is so true. Billy posted about toys as well. I think people do forget to enjoy life in their own adult way... Well never me. I'm about to play old skool mario right now and delay the sleep that I know I need.

J. Kelly said...

true and good movie reference!

Unknown said...

Cough*video games*cough

adam said...

That movie Toys was so weird but memorable. Agreed on the nice reference-

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